

Device IO indicates which hardware output is associated with that software channel. Mute Out turns the output signal on/off. Level Out adjusts the relative output volume. Invert Out reverses the polarity of the output signal.


Right-clicking over certain settings will provide a menu of additional options.



When using AudiaFLEX hardware, an Enable Output Attenuation check-box may be selected when placing an Output block into the Layout from the Object Toolbar. With newer OP-2e output cards, this allows the Full Scale Out reference level to be changed on individual outputs, from +24dBu to OdBu in 6dB steps, or -31dBu (mic level). NOTE: Earlier OP2 output cards support only line or mic level output. Therefore, settings other than -31dBu (mic level) will result in a +24dBu (line level) output. If standard Audia or AudiaSOLO hardware is being used, then mic level output is selectable only on 4x12 configurations (see Fixed 12-Channel Output). When using regular Output blocks with standard Audia or AudiaSOLO hardware, Enable Output Attenuation must remain un-checked, for the Compiler to consider such hardware.