
EXPI blocks are similar to CobraNet Input blocks, except they are designed for use with Audia EXPI hardware specifically and, therefore, automatically allow for Internal Propagation Delay. CobraNet Input blocks may be used with Audia EXPI hardware, but Internal Propagation Delay must be manually set (1. 00 mS).


Adjust Audia EXPI input trim (gain) controls so that Peak In flashes only occasionally (6dB headroom). Mute In turns the input signal on/off. Level In adjusts the relative input volume. Invert In reverses the polarity of the input signal.


CobraNet Bundle assigns digital audio data to a particular bundle number. CobraNet ® Bundle Numbers are used to match those of the actual Audia EXPI hardware being used in the system. Normally, 'unicast' bundles 256 ~ 61,439 are selectable. These are device specific bundles (for exchange of digital audio with only one other device). Multicast allows selection of bundles 1 ~ 255, which are not device specific (for exchange of digital audio with multiple devices). Enable turns on/off the exchange of CobraNet digital audio data from this device.


Right-clicking over certain settings will provide a menu of additional options.