Channel Number Assignments

Release Notes for Audia® version 1.2


The assignment of channel numbers to Audio Input and Output blocks has been modified. It is still the exclusive function of the compiler to make channel number assignments, but now the user can influence the way the compiler does this.


Here is the suggested procedure for assignment of channel numbers to I/O blocks. It is assumed that all blocks are assigned to the same Audia unit. If the system contains multiple units, the following procedure should be performed several times.


As always, the compiler does not modify the existing channel assignments if the I/O block has a fixed allocation to an Audia unit. Therefore, in order to reassign the channel numbers in the desired way, it is necessary to unassign them first. To do this, select all I/O blocks for the unit in question and open the Property Sheet. Select the "DSP Attributes 1" tab and change the value in the "Allocated To Unit" field to 0 (you will have to set the flag "Fixed In Unit" to "No" first). This will reset the channel number assignments in the selected I/O blocks. Then change the "Allocated To Unit" field back to its original value and set the flag "Fixed In Unit" back to "Yes". Unselect all DSP blocks by left clicking in the view.


The next step is to indicate to the compiler the desired order in which you want the channel numbers assigned. Repeat the following sequence for each I/O block in the order you want the channel numbers assigned, i.e., I/O block with the lowest channel number(s) first, I/O block with the highest channel number(s) last:

Select the block by left-clicking on it

Bring it to front by hitting CTRL+F.


Now recompile, and the channel numbers will be assigned in the order you selected the blocks.


Note: the Input and Output blocks for a given single unit can be processed at the same time.